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The Daily Sprout

Your guide to healthier living.

It was a day like any other day… running around wildly, meetings, meetings, meetings… phone calls, and working out.  But then the day stopped me in my tracks with interest.  My eldest is tall for her age, 5’5″ or more at 12 years old.  As you can imagine, this causes some forward slouching which is common in tall girls.  Fear of standing out, feeling like you are too obvious in a crowd.

So the thing that stopped me in my tracks, was a picture of my daughter on a horse, and in that picture she was in an incredibly good posture, which is common when she is on the horse.  It is common when any good rider is on a horse.  The pelvis is positioned well under the torso, and the shoulders pulled back to create a very upright position.

In seeing this picture, I was struck by the physics of a good spinal position.  I was struck by the physics of good posture.  It all starts with posture, and this was a very obvious moment for me.  And in this complete knowing, the knowing that a spinal cord is protected by a spine, which is protected by a position that allows for no degeneration… no damage, no weakness in the discs.  This is the key, that if you can maintain good posture, you can maintain health!

So here are 3 really important steps for you to get the best possible posture (there are more, these are the top three in my mind):

  1. Prepare your most common positions throughout the day, to better serve posture.  The number one cause of degenerative posture, is how you work, play, or commute.  Position is everything… get a stand up desk, elevate the laptop, hold your phone higher when you use it, and find ways to be upright in everything.  This is big.

  2. Strengthen your spine.  The increased strength afforded somebody who is actively working their posterior chain (the muscles of the back from the base of the skull to the heels), is a strength that protects you.  As we have written in other Daily Sprout articles, dead-lifts are great for the spine (as long as they are done correctly).   So jump into a plank, grab a dead-lift bar, and take it all very serious when you begin pushing around some serious weight, then you are extremely well protected.

  3. Last, get adjusted.  Compromised nerve flow does two things as it relates to posture.  It causes compensation that allows you to function around dysfunction, and in that function further breakdown occurs.  In addition, the weakening that occurs to the surrounding musculature, makes it more and more impossible to maintain normal posture.  This weakening is due to the subluxation effect.  Lack of neurological tone, leads to weakness.

Follow the guidelines, take it serious, and before you know it… you’ll have better posture, and better health!

Be well and be blessed! – Dr. E

This article from Maximized Living has great timing given what my father-in-law has been through with his back these last few weeks, well really years, but specifically seeing the problems with these last two weeks.  I urge you to take a stand for your spine… daily spinal hygiene is necessry!

Once thought to be an effect of the aging process, degenerative disc disease (DDD) continues to be diagnosed earlier in life. Most commonly, DDD results from a combination of poor lifestyle habits.

The painful effects of DDD can be lessened and eliminated through a multifactorial approach that increases the strength of core muscles and stabilizes the spine.

By understanding how DDD develops, a comprehensive plan can be implemented to combat, prevent and even reverse this painful condition in patients of all ages.

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

In a nutshell, spinal discs serve three purposes: hold the spine together, allow for movement and absorb impact. If these discs become over-strained, they can bulge and rupture (herniate). 1

Even without herniating, though, simply stressing the spinal discs limits mobility and can suppress the immune system’s ability to fight the development of disease. The slightest misalignment of the spinal bones puts pressure on the spinal cord, which is responsible for communicating between the brain and tissues of the body (organs, muscles, ligaments, etc.). The resulting pressure can damage the function of any system or organ in the body, as well as cause tremendous pain.

This can make even the simplest everyday tasks difficult to perform.

DDD commonly develops when muscle tissue weakens and fails to provide the spine with the support needed to protect the spinal cord.

Desk jobs are another area of concern. Years (or decades) of slouching and hunching in front of a computercan lead to neglected, weakened muscle tissue meant to support the spine. If these muscles go unused for too long, the vertebrae can shift out of place and strain the spinal discs and nerves—kick-starting the development of DDD.

The most damaging effect of DDD is that it often presents no symptoms until the condition has become particularly severe.2 Fortunately, DDD can often be overcome through a smart, multifaceted care plan.

Important, yet Misunderstood

The body’s “core” consists of the muscles of the lower back and abdominals. Whether playing hockey or carrying groceries, these muscles stabilize the body—making them a vital part of even the simplest daily activity.3

What many people do not realize, though, is that a strong core supports healthy spinal movement and alignment.

Strong abs and low back muscles work together to maintain the spine’s proper alignment. This is essential because, when the spine’s structure is compromised, the spinal cord struggles to communicate effectively with the organs and systems of the body.

Though a six-pack may be a nice bonus, it takes a backseat to spinal integrity in terms of functionality.

Think of a strong core like a cast for a broken arm. Once the bone is reset, a hard cast is set around the arm bone to ensure it remains in its proper position. This allows the arm to heal quickly and properly.

Without the cast, even a broken bone that is reset could not heal properly, simply due to the stresses of driving, typing and tending to children. Over time, this would result in a painful structural deficiency that may even limit mobility.

Similarly, a specific chiropractic adjustment improves the positioning of the vertebrae, but supplementary core exercises and good posture are needed to keep the spine in alignment.

When out of alignment (or subluxated), the spinal bones aggravate the surrounding nerves and tissue. This can disrupt basic organ function.

If this type of subluxation occurs, a number of symptoms may arise:

  1. Low back pain

  2. Sciatica

  3. Neck pain

  4. Tingling sensations

  5. Numbness

  6. Difficulty walking, gripping, etc.

Many of these common signs are often overlooked as typical signs of aging. However, the most damaging symptom of all is actually the lack of symptoms.


Symptoms raise a red flag to signal dysfunction within the body. Conditions like DDD, though, can develop silently for years without producing any symptoms. Proactively evaluating the spine is the single most effective way to prevent the gradual worsening of DDD.

Take Action Today

While a strong core is helpful, it is not the antidote to DDD. If you’re looking to prevent or overcome DDD, then start working these three healthy habits into your daily life:

  1. Seek Specific Spinal Correction.  Have your spine analyzed as soon as possible. Depending on your age, weight and lifestyle habits, your spinal discs may already be under a lot of pressure. Spinal correction can relieve this pressure and shift the spine into its proper position.

  2. Think Outside the Crunch. Crunches are outdated and easy to perform improperly. At best, they help only your abs; at worst, they strain your discs. Instead of crunching, do full sit-ups or try basic planks, side planks and working with a stability ball. Remember: A new exercise program must be approached with caution. Always work at your own pace.

  3. Bookend Stretching. Whether you’ve just crawled out of bed or you are about to hit the hay, take five to 10 minutes to stretch. Stretching improves flexibility, blood flow and loosens tight, aching muscles. Remember: Stretching should not be painful.4

Each of our doctors is certified to evaluate your spine and deliver the 5 Essentials of Maximized Living, a comprehensive system designed to improve all aspects of your health and fight the development of disease.


1 2 3 4 5 — Used as background only

It is a wise choice for your primary healthcare provider to be a chiropractor.  Pretty self serving advice… but I have some pretty valid reasons why.  And they make so much sense when you go out into the world and see it happening.  Its pretty sad.

The average American has no idea that cancer is not a genetic program, and you would likely never find out if all of your education came from the medical model.  Granted, you could simply steer clear of the medical model, and pursue alternatives, and you would be more likely to have confidence in your decisions first, before trusting chance and genetics.  But it is clear, that engaging in a chiropractic lifestyle that is rich with lifestyle leadership, will bring you greater understanding, and in most cases, ACTION to put positive lifestyle efforts into effect.

Next, the study on Serum levels of Thiol in chiropractic patients.  This is one of those “I better have it at some level” studies.  Basically, the study showed that patients under chiropractic care had higher levels of a DNA repairing hormone, that is an anti aging hormone.  It improves your ability to heal and repair DNA.  Pretty awesome, and you are improving those levels by being here.  Is all chiropractic created equal?  No, corrective focused care has repeatedly shown better results in neurological balance.

How about the study from the University of Tokyo doctors on Demyelination and Neuronal loss due to kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine?  Basically, what I just said was loss of the outer covering of the spinal cord, followed by atrophy and death of nerves occurs when the curve in your neck is gone.  This study creates the suggestion that ALS, or Lou Gherig’s Syndrome might just be due to spinal cord compression more than anything else.

Check out this part of the abstract:

There was a significant correlation between the kyphotic angle and the degree of spinal cord flattening. The spinal cord was compressed most intensely at the apex of the kyphosis, where demyelination of the anterior funiculus as well as neuronal loss and atrophy of the anterior horn were observed. Demyelination progressed as the kyphotic deformity became more severe, initially affecting the anterior funiculus and later extending to the lateral and then the posterior funiculus.

If I tell you that anterior is front… and if you remember your doctors report, you would start to put two and two together.  The front of the cord controls your…. yep, organs.  So by causing anterior, or front demyelination and neuronal loss, you are killing your organs.

So then I ask, who would argue against corrective chiropractic care as the primary model which you live by?  Someone who chooses to live by the chemical I would guess.  So what about that chemicals?  The EPA has some unique considerations when it comes to chemical exposures.  As they have developed guidelines for mutagenic risk for adults and children.  It appears as though the risks are significantly multiplied when children are involved.  Did you know cancer is the leading cause of death for children over 1 year of age?

Can chiropractic adjustments save you from toxicity?  Well, according to some studies, yes.  There have been no landmark studies, but there have been many decent ones.  The general consensus has been that detoxification improves during spinal care.  Period.  And of course we have so much empirical data, that there is nothing but pure belief that chiropractic helps everyone with their detoxification potential.

Take it for what its worth, which is a lot.  Regular corrective chiropractic care is a life saver and game changer.  I hope we can keep you from ever having to know.  Be well, be blessed, Dr. E

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