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The Daily Sprout

Your guide to healthier living.

I get the question – “What is the difference in life expectancy in chiropractors and medical doctors”, every couple of years.  The last time it came was about six months ago.  And my answer, is always the same…

I only know of one study that crunched data between these two professions, and there was no difference.   And not surprisingly to me, at all.

I mean, have you heard me rip on chiropractors before?  I love them, I love what they started for, and I hate that they (for the most part), got sucked into talking about your pain with you every time you head into their office.  Where I tell you on your first visit “I don’t care about your pain, I will never let your pain distract me from the issue at hand… and you’ll thank me for it when you are pain free for a reason.”

That reason – healing.

Healing, the process of the body replacing cells with new healthy cells.  All parts of the body heal outside of the CNS (central nervous system such as brain and spinal cord, and cranial nerves… like the nerve to my eye that died nearly 12 years ago from the hockey puck… that one doesn’t heal without divine help) – and the other area that doesn’t heal, are scarred tissues.  Scarring is forever.  You might have noticed that with a superficial scar on your skin somewhere.  Well, the same holds true to a scarred liver, or kidney, or the scarred insides of your arteries, or your heart even.

Scarred tissue does not heal, thus it can reduce your life expectancy.  One reason why I battle inflammation (which always results in scar tissue), with daily doses of juice plus, on top of the 13 servings of vegetables I am trying to eat each day.  (I believe juice plus is one of the easiest ways to get your anti-inflammatory dose up in a healthy way… )

So what does cause healing?  It is a natural body process, that is dependent on the human brain.  Science hasn’t fully accepted how this happens, at least not universally.  However I had an histology professor 20 years ago who had a great grasp of how it works, and he related it to the eye opening studies of epigenetics.  What controls genes.  Such a cool area of study… but I don’t want to chase too many rabbit holes.  The professor however did an absolutely fantastic job of helping us see the absolute desperation of a cell that is disconnected from its source… the source being the CNS (brain and spinal cord).

Let me re-phrase that, the cell is desperate for function. because without a brain it cannot function correctly, it cannot heal, and it will ultimately die.  This is why we cannot keep tissue alive indefinitely at room temperature, with all of the oxygen and nutrients in the world… if not connected to a brain.

This is the true message of chiropractic, and it is also the true message of yoga, and pilates, and posture rehab… basically, it is the message of any practitioner who works hard to help you to maintain your spine.  They all, though they mostly have no idea how amazing the results of their efforts can be, but nonetheless… is air any less valuable because the air doesn’t know its value?  So when you decide to get a stand up desk because it is the cool thing to do these days, you might want to stop and say a little thanks… “Thank you maker of Vari-desk, for helping to save my life through improved posture and ultimately greater healing in my body”.

And you think I am kidding?

The medical model of the world aims to save lives that are mostly broken because of poor choices.  The wisdom of the world says that before you rely on that model, you should begin to make changes that reduce their importance.

Be wise , Be blessed, and be well… – Dr. E

I’m often told that “since starting here my neck/back is popping a lot more on its own.” I’ll usually follow that statement up with, well is it painful. Almost always the answer is no. So what is that. At some point one of us has probably talked to you about what the noise actually is. We call it a cavitation, which if you were to look up you’d find that’s a formation of an empty space within a solid object or body. So in our case the cavitation is a formation and break of a air bubble within your joint space, specifically the synovial fluid found in the joint capsule. It’s good to know that as satisfying as it may be, we don’t need to hear this audible release to have a good adjustment. And if you happened to crack your neck (hopefully just by turning your head, without using your hand to help) right before getting adjusted, we wont be able to get that cavitation from that specific joint until another air bubble is created, which can take a few minutes.

So is it OK to turn my head, without my hands, to crack my neck. Yeah, its OK. You aren’t moving anything, its just stretching that joint enough for the audible release to happen. No real issue there. However I have specified without using your hands. Please don’t do that. You can move things, and it’ll mostly be the wrong way to go, it can cause injury, and some people believe it can cause Bells Palsy, which is partial paralysis of the face. So please don’t try to self adjust with your hands.

What about the pop in my ankle, knee, elbow, etc. that I can do over and over again? Well again if it isn’t painful its not much of a concern, but you probably don’t want to just keel doing it as a party trick. If its something you can recreate over and over it’s not being caused by the same mechanism described above. It’s most likely from chronic ligament instability or a tendon snapping over bone. This is generally not something to be concerned about.

-Dr. Mark

My wife prompted me to write a Daily Sprout on scoliosis.  Over the years we have literally corrected or reduced hundreds of these.  And for some time, we were the recipient of adolescent referral from pediatricians in the area.  I believe those referrals dried up as these docs began to understand how openly anti-vaccine I am.

My daughter Brooke had a slight scoliosis as evidenced in the X-Rays below from 2013.  I re-x-rayed her in 2016 once we moved into our new office, new location, new digital x-ray machine.  Thos x-rays further down show how we corrected a scoliosis.  I did this with no exercises, no brace, and no therapy.  Which is not how I recommend we work on a scoliosis, however I knew that I had better luck with my own daughter being dependent on me vs. self dependent… others I can encourage enough to do what I ask, but I already give my own kids a ton of stuff.

So this is the breakdown of what you are seeing.  The second X-ray has the pelvis at nearly flat, with a curve in the spine towards the right (we are looking from behind).  She was 8 years old when this was taken.   The curve returns to the left giving the very common “S” appearance of the curvature.  This is a common scoliosis, and at this age, with our corrective care (completely specialized compared to typical chiropractic care), we can correct these completely.

Typical treatment for scoliosis in the medical model is to brace, or when it worsens significantly from here to perform surgery.  In addition, I have seen physical therapy used, and ultimately, I have yet to see anything other than mirror imaging chiropractic (specialized), supported by exercises and positional modeling actually work to change a spine.   The remaining purpose of this article is to help you understand why.

Failure of scoliosis treatment is very high when the focus is on “forcing the spine” (surgery and braces), or “stretching the muscles” (physical therapy and  yoga, soft tissue effort) without a focus on the nervous system.  What is funny, and even odd to me, is that the doctors or therapists who employ their methods, don’t stop to consider why their results are flawed, from a cause level of concern.  Cause.  The Cause is everything.  It should be the entire focus of all healthcare first and foremost, before ever thinking of treatment.

The nervous system.  The ENTIRE reason why a spine is curved.  Influence of physics will start the process, where you begin a change due to a stress, or a muscular injury during a growth spurt.  The lack of muscular stretch during the growth spurt, causes the spine to turn in the direction of the shortened muscle.  Or in the case of a fully grown individual, the repetitive posturing that takes the spine out of position, will cause the stretch of muscle on one side, and the shortening or “creep” of the musculature and ligaments on the other.   Which of course sounds like the solution would be stretching at first look.  But there is one HUGE player that is ignored.  The nervous system.

This one area that we have named proprioception, is of the utmost importance.  Proprioception is the part of the nervous system that keeps track of where joints are in space.  This relates to all joints, and ultimately it is what maintains muscle tension so that joints are kept in place, or allowed to move.  Listen to this and be keenly aware of the implication.  Titanium rods are the only standard in surgically treating serious scoliosis now, because lesser steel can break under the pressure of the muscles fighting to “return” a scoliosis.

Be aware of what I am saying.  Trying to straighten a spine will cause it to fight back, as the cause has not been addressed.  Proprioceptive change, means that we are slowly influencing the nervous system, so that it chooses to make a positive change in the spine.   Mirror imaging is the process.  This next x-ray is a case of a young girl over a period of about six months from this past year.  Notice the curvature was actually “over corrected” a bit.  It will work its way out, it always does.    But this was entirely done through chiropractic care.

Mirror imaging.  Picture this x-ray on the left, lying down on the persons left side.  Lying across a foam roll that places the spine in a “mirror imaged” position, so the curve is forced to the right.  Then adjusting the spine, influencing proprioceptive centers in the brain.  This is the key to success, the amount of influence over the brain, causing the brain to “choose” to change muscle tension, is everything in this case.  Many chiropractic offices that work to be corrective, have been adding vibration, and other stimuli in an attempt to make the spine more likely to be influenced.  I believe it is more about the perfect moment of stimuli, than it is about the amount of stimuli.

With results like this, we have surprised many pediatricians over the years, but the process is specific.  So, as I tell you about this process, I want you to also understand that sooooo many people choose to do nothing, and I guarantee all of them will at some point wish they had chosen differently.  We will be hosting a HealthSprout’s Not So Scary Halloween Party next Monday, 10/30.  This is a perfect time to promote on facebook, and through your local channels, the importance of people coming, spending $29, and being screened.    We have the best process, not that we are the best, we just follow the best process.

And here are those follow up x-rays of my daughter Brooke… which was an average of 50 adjustments a year over that time, not 120 like we pour into so many others to get it done in just one year.  There is still some work to go because of the lean, but we are better than before!

Thanks for reading!

Be well and Be bleseed… God loves you!  – Dr. E

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